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"We cultivate emotions" in a wasteland, where laws dating back to the Nineteenth century do not allow adequate legislation for the development of music and creativity. Assomusica has been fighting for two decades for a law on music. Finally, the Government and the Parliament might pass a legislation in a sector with great potential for development and internationalization, taking into account the peculiarities of our work.

Thanks to all those who passionately signed our appeal and thanks to all those who support our cause.


Vincenzo Spera, Assomusica President



We call on politicians, artists, the world of culture, all involved organizations and individuals to sign this appeal for a reform and to put the MUSIC at the centre of the debate on cultural policies of the country:

  • live contemporary popular music remains one of the artistic expressions which are most appreciated by the public and at the same time are sensitive to the great changes in the world: it is an engine of cultural development and a drive belt for other productive sectors;
  • Italy has an absolutely extraordinary heritage and tradition in the music industry, these find inspiration in the music industry, both traditional and digital, and live folk music in all its forms;
  • it is thanks to contemporary popular music (which certainly can’t be called "easy listening"), famously preferred by a mostly young audience, that increasingly more and more people are approaching this art, which has become Italy’s soundtrack;
  • the growth of music production is not possible without an easier relationship with viewers: it is therefore necessary to promote a law that guarantees the live popular music and its audience;
  • it is necessary to streamline and simplify all the rules which affect the organization and the performing arts management;
  • at the centre of any legislative act there must be professional musicians, within the specific nature of the sector, taking into account the continuous evolution of work and production evolution;
  • we’re asking for the recognition of the places where prevalence is given to live music such as "Music Theatres", regardless of the capacity of the spaces. Music Theatres must have their own legislation;
  • a FRAMEWORK LAW ON MUSIC can no longer be pushed back to give artists, operators and associations all regulatory tools to generate creativity and wealth: from tax credit for investments and simplification of administrative processes, to easier loans to modernize equipment, up to the recognition of music as a fundamental cultural lever for the country;
  • reducing the tax burden imposed on the places where arts are performed, beginning with VAT asymmetries, to make taxation of theater and music halls fair and sustainable;
  • policies to internationalize Italian music and allow greater spread of our musical heritage abroad.


We urge the Government and the Parliament to give contemporary live music a law that recognizes its dignity and artistic professionalism and to create a clear regulatory framework for the sector, with a vision and perspectives that will enable Italy to reduce the gap with the main European partners, connecting and adapting to the project of European Law for 2020-2027.


* Signs are in alphabetica order.

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