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Stepping on the needs of the up-coming Music Events for the 18th European Music Festival in Greece, main topic of the discussion focused on synergies and methodology to achieve stronger networking, drafting few but very specific activities for 2017 -2018, to develop community and Media impact at local and regional level, for Music Day events, but also for other events on an annual base.

It was clearly stipulated that through teh development of common activities and the collaboration of diferent cities, networking and economies of scale would be beneficial at regional but also european level in combination with the other opportunities coming from the launch of the NIMPE Initiative (Network for the Internationalization of Music Producers in Europe) but also the European Networking Initiative of the European Live MusicAssociation  in Greece and the Balkan region.

The 1st meeting of the organizers of the Hellenic Network of Northern Greece was organised by the “Vatrachoi Association”, organizers of the European Music Day (EMD) of Xanthi and MESO Events organised  in Xanthi on Saturday, April 22, 2017, in the Cultural and Art Centre Manos Hadjidakis of the Municipality of Xanthi.

The event was attended by organizers, producers and creators from Alexandroupolis, Didymoteicho, Drama, Kavala, Komotini, Orestiada, Serres, Soufli and Xanthi, as well as from Athens, Volos, Corinth, Edessa and Thessaloniki.

Representatives of the Local Public Bodies, such as the Mayor of Xanthi, Mr. Charalambos Dimarchopoulos and the Deputy Mayor of Sports, Youth,  Tourism, Culture of the Municipality of Xanthi, Ms. Alexia Girtziki also actively participated in the discussions exchanging ideas and suggestions with other guests from neighboring municipalities.

We would like to thank the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace and the Deputy Chief of Staff of the city of Xanthi, Mr. Kostas Zagneferis for the allocation of the Art and Multispace Manos Hadjidakis.

The next meeting will encompass the organisers of Central Greece and Pelopones, in November, and in Korinthos this time! Stay tuned!

Snapshots from the meeting!

Ultima modifica ilMartedì, 26 Settembre 2017 19:45


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